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Breaking Down the Borders Conference

The Synodic Cycle of the Inner Planets

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11:00 a.m. EST

Linda Furiate – How did you first get interested in astrology and how would you describe yourself as an astrologer?

Gary P. Caton – I got into astrology after taking a break from academia in 1989 and exploring shamanism and the tarot for awhile. In April 1993, I had what Jungians call a “Great Dream.” In the Dream I saw the glyph for Venus in the Solar Disk and found out later that there actually was an interior conjunction of Venus with the Sun (Venus was passing between the Sun and Earth) in Aries at the time that I had the Dream. I was hooked instantly and imagine I always will be.

LF – What is your Goddess Astrology podcast?

GC – The Goddess Astrology podcast is basically an audio e-zine which you can download for Free via iTunes or on the Web. It is my offering to the collective as an attempt to honor the Sacred Feminine for granting me the Dream/Vision that She did. You can tune in to follow the cycles of Venus and occasionally the asteroid Goddesses. There are 70 archived episodes you can listen to anytime. Many fans will download to an iPod and then listen at work or in their car to feed their Spiritual self during a commute or while doing repetitive tasks.

LF – Can you also describe how your market yourself as an astrologer?

GC – I have learned that you have to put yourself out there as often and in as many ways as you possibly can. So I have a blog, a podcast, and now I’ve even started a vlog (video blog). I use Facebook and other social networking media to let people know about these free offerings and hopefully get them interested in my work. And then I do appearances in multiple-city lecture tours every year for live, in-person interactions.

LF – Your lecture for the Breaking Down the Borders conference is Sunday, November 21st at 11:00 a.m. EST and is entitled ‘The Synodic Cycles of the Inner Planets’, give us a description as to what that means.

GC – All planets have sidereal cycles, which track their motion through the Zodiac, as well as synodic cycles, which track their relationship to the Sun. Synodic cycles are the basic astronomy part of astrology. In addition to the basic Sign/Aspects info gained from the sidereal cycle, a working knowledge of synodic cycles can add the factors of planetary phase, speed and brightness into our delineations. This makes for more subtle, nuanced and complex interpretations which more closely fit the reality of the complex lives that people have increasingly come to lead.

LF – If someone wants to learn more about you and your work where can they find you?

GC – My website is www.DreamAstrologer.com and my identifier is DreamAstrologer on Facebook and Youtube.

LF – What fascinates you most about participating in the International Academy of Astrology’s first ever online conference?

GC – The possibility of truly breaking down borders and connecting with people all across the World.

LF – Is there anything else you would like to share regarding your work as an astrologer or the conference?

GC -I am honored to be a part of this groundbreaking endeavor and I hope that there are more to come!



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