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Breaking Down the Borders

The Saturn-Uranus Cycle and the Real Estate Market

Friday, November 19, 20106:30 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – How do you blend the discipline of Yoga with your practice of Astrology? (put your website link in here somewhere)

Julene Packer-Louis – In my astrological practice I combine the disciplines of Yoga and Astrology as a journey to awakening where we plug into, connect, give and receive the infinite potential the universe has to offer in the ever present eternal now. Astrology provides the road map to awakening and Yoga provides practice of awakening. Together these two disciplines help us find our unique way to connect to all that is and become the change we seek in the world as we unite our body, mind and spirit to bring ourselves into alignment with the rhythmic cycles of the cosmos and participate with joyful presence, compassion, love, and synchronous awareness in the life unfolding perfectly on time around us allowing us to be informed and attuned co-creators of our destiny.

LF – You have an IAA Diploma, a NCGR-III and an ISAR-CAP along with being a Reiki-II Practitioner, what drives you to gain professional certification as an astrologer and instructor?

JPL – That’s a good question. I guess I like taking tests.  🙂  Seriously it has to do with the standards of our profession and public awareness of professional astrology.  I felt it was very important for me as a serious professional astrologer to get some credentials behind my name to separate myself from the “psychics” who have neon signs flashing on their door doing tarot, astrology, selling remedies, and creating unhealthy codependent relationships.  I seek to empower my clients to tune into their innermost being and make their own decisions that are aligned with their Self. By having certification which includes ethical standards of practice, I hope to raise the public awareness of the difference between a Professional Astrologer and the fortune-telling stereotype that has been lurking in our collective psyche for centuries.  It is time to educate the public on real astrology practiced professionally.

LF – Why are you so passionate about astrology?

JPL – I am passionate about astrology because I’ve seen my life through astrological eyes, connected patterns and found profound understanding of my mind, my life themes, the ways and means to connect with my inner Self beyond the ego façade, experienced breakdown of old outworn paradigms, found new ways to manifest energy at a higher level to create new healthier paradigms in their place. To me astrology is a map of where you’ve been, where you are and where you are going and this map operates on the physical, emotional and spiritual plane. Together it tells your own hero’s journey to the evolution of your soul and reason for being at this time in this life. I’ve been so empowered personally from astrology that I am very passionate to give that back to the world.  Plus I feel most alive when I am teaching or consulting. It is what I was meant to do. As a child, before paradigms would shape what I “should” do with my life, I wanted to be a teacher or a nurse.  I feel that being an astrologer feeds both of those childhood longings, because deep astrological understanding is cathartic enough to be a transformational and healing experience.

LF – You are on the staff for IAA as well as being a speaker for the BDTB conference. Give us a little insight into your lecture for Friday, November, 19 @ 6:30 p.m. EST entitled “The Saturn-Uranus Cycle and the Real Estate Market”

JPL – I am full time Astrologer and part time Realtor. While sitting in a CEU class for Real Estate on the History of the Banking Industry, I noticed that the laws and changes in the industry were revolving around a cycle. I was anxious to get home and pull out my ephemeris, look up the dates and find the cycle that was operating. Sure enough it was the Saturn-Uranus cycle that causes reform to banks and markets including the real estate market.  Since so many people are in trouble with their real estate these days, I thought I’d share the bigger picture of how we have come to this place today by examining the cycle historically.  We’ll also look as to when we might be able to see the market turning around. Chart examples of countries will be used along with those of big banks and Fanne Mae.

LF – What else you like to say about IAA’s first ever online astrology conference from a staff and volunteer coordinator point of view?

JPL – I am very excited to be a part of this revolutionary venture where we truly are breaking down borders, making the conference accessible to the entire world without obtaining a passport, booking a flight and hotel accommodations, or finding someone to watch the children or pets.  It has been a joy and honor to help with this world class endeavor. We have an excellent line up of world renowned astrologers and excellent technology to bring an enjoyable experience to all. We also will have a room where everyone can hang out and mingle to capture the very important networking and social aspect of traditional astrology conferences.  I’m really looking forward to it.


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Good day! In the coming days and weeks I will be posting personal interviews that I had with many of the speakers for the Breaking Down the Borders online astrology conference being held November 19-21, 2010.  On some occasion I was able to interview the speaker on Skype and make a short 6-7 minute video or I did a print interview that you will be able to read on my blog or on the conference website at http://www.astrologyconference.org.  Simply search through the list of speakers.  Stay tuned…

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