
Archive for October 24th, 2010

Ed Tamplin Interview with Linda

Breaking Down the Borders

Living Your Bliss Vocationally

Sunday, November 21, 20107:00 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – What lead you to have your own very successful radio show?

Ed Tamplin – The radio show initially came about as an attempt to promote a national magazine that I was writing for with a 16-page astrology lift out. I believed that there was a place for astrology that covered current events and was relevant to the world at large. It helped that I had worked extensively in media beforehand, so I was comfortable on radio. The show began in January of 1999 and ten years later was still going. I wrapped that up in 2010 but it went out with ratings of 23%, which is practically one in four listeners, and it was the top rating Saturday night radio program in Sydney. But life goes on.

LF – How would you discuss astrology on a typical episode of your radio show?

ET – Well if I were appearing this week for example (Oct 2010) I would be talking about riots in France and explaining why by looking at the French horoscope and the swearing in chart of Nicolas Sarkozy. I would also do a wrap up of the upcoming aspects across the week, for example how was the current Full Moon affecting the different Sun-signs listening generally.

Then I would take listeners calls and dissect their own horoscopes and the current dynamic conditions for them. And naturally when you’re offering something like that free on radio you’re going to get a lot of calls. This went on for two hours, interspersed with segments such as if you’re having a birthday this week etc. and I’d do the solar return planet stuff. It wasn’t all dry astrology, there was a lot of lighter banter too, but I did acquaint listeners with the meanings of planets like Saturn etc. So we built up a cult following that spoke the astro-speak too.

LF – When did you first become interested in astrology and what is your practice like now?

ET – I think like many astrologers I became interested in my teenage years after being introduced to the concept at around ten or eleven. But I didn’t start taking it ultra seriously until into my early thirties. By then I was hand drawing charts and interpreting them, with an emphasis on the dynamic work. It starts with friends and then you have to go pro because you can’t afford the time otherwise. So it was a natural progression, but not a planned one.

As astrologers we’re constantly on a learning curve and there’s been a kind of studious improvement over the years I’d like to think. However the natural intuition that is essential to holistically grasping the horoscope, and those ‘aha’ moments hasn’t changed a lot. It’s just armed with better techniques now. My professional practice is based around client readings, with associated public presentations, and media work. I generally won’t see more than eight people a week though for full readings. You have to keep fresh, as I still put a lot of time into readings, and keep hand drawn notes on clients.

LF – Your talk for the BDTB conference in Sunday, November 21 @ 7:00 p.m. EST or that would be Monday, November 22nd @ 11:00 a.m. Australian time and you will be talking about Vocational Astrology. Give us a sneak peak as to what we can expect to hear.

ET – I’ve chosen the subject of vocation, which is something I get asked about often. And it’s something that I usually mention anyway, whether a client asks or not. I think we spend around half of our waking time involved with our ‘great work’ whatever that may be. So why not make it something you’re well suited to from the areas of natural gifts and talents, to psychological suitability. I’m looking at techniques from Ptolemy to Gauquelin that assist in unraveling that area of our lives. I’m naturally including some of my own discoveries too.

LF – How can learn more about your work?

ET – Well it depends on how much you want to learn. I’m a co-principal of the Sirius Astrology School, which has been operating for some years now. We offer comprehensive astrological education, training and workshops on specialist areas of astrology, plus take beginners classes. But generally people can find me on the web under www.edtamplin.com and read my weekly updates on mundane affairs, or articles or planetary cycles such as Uranus in Aries, or Saturn in Libra and my world predictions each year. I also do Sun sign material to attract a wider audience toward the site. Jeff Jawer and Rick Levine of www.stariq.com have also published quite a bit of my research.

LF – What can we gain by attending your lecture about Vocational Astrology?

ET – Hopefully you’ll be able to pinpoint your own areas of talent, and also very importantly, how the world may see you as (possibly?) opposed to your own conception. That can lead to a greater recognition and honoring of your natural gifts. Plus there are new techniques that I’m bringing to the table that can prove very useful in the astrological toolbox. It explores methods that I would use to look at vocation in the horoscope. I’d like to share these findings with the astrologers at large and this cyber conference provides an ideal and kind of personal platform to enable that. Thanks for your interest Linda.


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