
Archive for October 22nd, 2010

Breaking Down the Borders

Layering Transits and Progressions

Sunday, November 21, 20103:00 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – You are fairly new to astrology; tell us about how you became interested in practicing astrology and about your educational background.

Kelly Surtees – I first began studying astrology as a 12year old; totally from a self generated interest (my family wasn’t alternative in the slightest!). After I finished high school, like many others, I wasn’t really clear on what I wanted from life. However I knew I loved massage therapy and so I went off to my local natural therapies college to take their registered training program. As I was signing up, I saw that they offered a Level 1 Astrology class. Prior to that it had literally never occurred to me one could take a formal course in astrology or even study it with a teacher. But needless to say, for the next 3 – 4 years, that’s exactly what I did! I also continued with my massage therapy training and by mid 2002, began working in both fields. My formal training includes a certificate in Astrology through Astro Varsity as well as award winning results in the Federation of Australian Astrologer’s training program. I hold their FAA Practitioner’s Diploma. I’ve also studied with Bernadette Brady, John Frawley and even taken some classes through Kepler College. Outside of astrology I have a Certificate IV in Remedial Massage and a Diploma in Holistic Counselling and Coaching.

LF – What is it like to teach astrology on Skype? How did you come up with the idea?

KS – Teaching astrology in any format is lots of fun; Skype is one medium that allows connection between teacher and student regardless of physical location. After I moved from my long term home in Sydney, Australia to Toronto, Canada a couple of years ago, I wanted to find a way to stay in touch with existing students while attracting new ones. I also wanted the freedom to be able to travel but still work. I’d been using Skype for client sessions for a while and it seemed a natural progression to teach through that medium as well. One advantage of Skype is that it’s free, which also makes it quite accessible and you can have up to about 20 people on each call at one time. It’s a good starting point! There are other online teaching platforms that I’ll explore as I build up the online student base.

LF – How did the use of planetary cycles create the opportunity for you to move from your native home in Sydney, Australia to Toronto, Ontario?

KS – I’m not quite sure how to approach my response to this question! I’m definitely a heart first, head later kind of person, and a confluence of events in May 2008 meant that I came into conscious realisation that I was ready to move out of Sydney and enjoy an overseas living experience, at the same time I met and fell in love with a foreigner. Needless to say, when I crystalised my desire to live overseas, Canada or my now partner weren’t in the picture, but then life does have a way of ‘directing’ us at times. This was a nice example of how one can come to a realisation around change, but the universe can still surprise you with the details of how/when/why it happens – though that may be the Uranus/Mercury transit I was having at the time talking. Cycles wise, I was also experiencing both a Saturn return and progressed New Moon throughout 2008 and moving countries was definitely an expression of a rebirth for me. Having to relearn how to pay bills, cross the street or even navigate the super sized supermarkets put me in many novel and new situations.

Some of my predictive work involves prioritising transits and progressed events based on the houses in which they occur; I appreciate not everyone having the same astro events I did would respond in kind, but based on some significant angular house energy I always knew 2008 would be a dynamic year. In Dec 2007, as I was contemplating the year ahead, I distinctly recall having the thought “Next year, I’ll have to go where my relationships dictate” (Saturn is in the 7th in my chart). And so it proved, when, by September 2008, I’d relocated hemispheres.

LF – Your lecture for the BDTB conference is Sunday, November 21st at 3:00 p.m. EDT called “Layering Planets and Progressions”. Can you give us a brief explanation as to what this means?

KS – One area I’ve noticed students struggle greatly with when attempting predictions is in trying to work out which planet cycles (transits) or progressions are more important and how to discuss these with clients, friends or family. My lecture provides a practical approach to predictions that includes a system of prioritising different dynamic events, based on planetary strength and house connections. This way, we know whether x transit or y progression is more important for this client at this time.

We’ll explore basic cycles as well as progressed energies, discussing which predictive events are VIP ones and which can be moved a little down the priority list and why. My intention is to provide a fresh perspective on the wealth of information available to those interested in making predictions, as well as a process by which one can sort the wheat from the chaff. I use some traditional concepts like planetary strength and house rulership, especially the angular house rulers, that seems to be a little different from what you might learn about elsewhere.

LF – How can we learn more about you and your work?

KS – I’m quite active online and maintain a website, www.kellysurtees.com, facebook page http://www.facebook.com/kellysurtees and twitter account http://twitter.com/#!/keldreamer. I also teach regularly online through Skype and students of all levels are welcome to come along to any of those lectures. I’m open to questions and queries so if you can’t find the answer to something you’re looking for online, you are welcome to email me directly. I regularly travel for work, especially between Australia and Canada, and can be found teaching in both countries throughout this year and next.

LF –  Why should someone attend your lecture?

KS – If you’re looking to learn about predictive astrology, or reinvigorate your existing forecasting techniques, my lecture will offer you information and practical steps to apply and interpret planetary cycles clearly and effectively. Any forecast should be insightful and well timed, and I’ll discuss some simple ways to create exactly that. You might also attend if you’re curious about how to use the Table of Dignities predictively, or want to find out what to do with fixed stars when forecasting. Those looking to find out about significant life cycles and how to determine when one is going through a major evolutionary shift would also find plenty of food for thought in my lecture. My perspective on astrology and its cycles is influenced by not only almost 20 years of study, but also my experiences of living in two vastly different climates, with radically diverse sun cycles (and therefore day lengths), and the unique insights one gets when spending a high percentage of time literally up in the sky.


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Breaking Down the Borders

Between Past and Presence: A Spiritual View of the Moon & Sun

Sunday, November 21, 20106:30 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – You work as a therapist, coach and an astrologer while holding an M.A. How did your own evolution as a person lead you to toward focusing most of your work as a full time astrologer?

Eric Meyers – Well, we teach what we learn. The counseling program I went through at Naropa focused on our own personal growth. I’ve always made it a priority. Doing inner work, meditation, workshops, and lately even shamanism, have been instrumental for me to walk my talk. I do believe that those in the position of counselor should have an excellent sense of self-awareness and have attended to the accompanying soul work, to speak from a position of wisdom, rather than theory. It’s not necessary to be credentialed, but to be conscious.

LF – Along with being an astrologer you are also a published author, what inspires you to write? And tell us more about your new book Elements & Evolution: The Spiritual Landscape of Astrology

EM – I began writing at my Saturn return (Gemini in the 3rd House) simply because my chart told me to. I really never had much of an interest before. Once I gave it momentum, it hasn’t stopped. I see it as spiritual practice, and I’m getter better with each book. Now I see it’s the optimal way for me to develop as an astrologer. Writing is as much learning, as it is sharing. It gets you to think deeply about the subject matter, and work on it. Elements & Evolution is to help bring a philosophical structure to soul evolution, which I believe has been under-developed in the field of astrology. I saw many ways in which astrology can connect with spirituality in a very broad, and non-denominational, fashion. Our great wisdom traditions can be a part of it, as well as science. The charged (water, fire), neutral (earth, air) division is analogous to left and right brain functioning. I’m very interested in seeing astrology connect with other disciplines, and ways to understand nature.

LF – At the conference your lecture will focus on A Spiritual View of the Moon and Sun, looking at past and present. Can you provide us with a brief example of your exploration of the Sun-Moon relationship within the chart?

EM – This is the centerpiece of my work. Though I wrote Between Past & Presence in 2005-06, it has significantly developed since then. The philosophy discussed in Elements largely centers around our connection to the luminaries from this understanding of spiritual evolution. The basic idea is that we can see the Moon and Sun from another angle, not to replace the familiar (largely gender identified) view, but to complement it. The Moon resides in the realm of time, and dualities (good/bad, male/female, past/future) typify the egoic self as it yearns to survive and protect itself. The Sun points to broader awareness in the eternal now, being fully present, alive, engaged with all of life (not just our ego preferences). I see the Sun as a transpersonal energy, though it is greatly influenced by the egoic separate self (Moon) which tends to claim it as itself. To me, the Sun is how we connect with source energy. Just as a seed (Moon) expands and grows into a flower (Sun), we are awakening out of the ego dream, and into soul realization. I look at the Moon in charts as indicative of what has been concretized in the spiritual journey, how we have been impacted by life, what has been absorbed and is familiar. By developing the Sun, we are able to resolve the past to be here now. Our awareness becomes brighter, all the way to enlightenment (Sun). I will go through many chart examples during the lecture, and Past & Presence is filled with dozens of examples too.

LF – How do you want to chart your course (your words) within the astrology community, i.e. what is your brand or what is your label that you aspire to as an astrologer?

EM – I resist labeling, though I guess I’m an evolutionary astrologer (using the broader definition of bringing in reincarnation). My focus is increasingly on the process of spiritual awakening, the liberation of solely identifying as separate, to expand into a broader field of awareness. I believe my contribution centers around the shift from a purely psychological approach, to incorporating the transpersonal. Psychological astrology is wonderful and relevant, but tends to stay confined within the separate self, a dualistic focus, and may unwittingly keep us contracted. Just how transpersonal psychology builds upon conventional psychology; I would like to help astrology become more transpersonal, relevant to our soul evolution, instead of focusing primarily on our personality.

LF – Is there anything else you would like to share with us as to why someone should attend your BDTB lecture on Sunday, November 21, 2010 @ 6:30 p.m. EST?

EM – With Jupiter and Uranus moving to Aries, we are in a time of a new (Aries) philosophical understanding (Jupiter) to astrology (Uranus). The early returns to the Elements book inform me that these ideas are resonating, and really capture where the next wave of astrology is breaking. I’m thrilled to be a part of that. My work is for those who want to renew astrology in a way that is most relevant for our modern understanding of the evolution of consciousness.

To purchase a copy of Eric’s book log onto



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Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois).

Image via Wikipedia

Breaking Down the Borders

Pre-Natal Eclipses – From Obscurity to Enlightenment

Sunday- November 21, 20105:30 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – Your work with astrology is very expansive. Explain what you have to offer through Starcrafts Publishing.

Maria Kay Simms – I started Starcrafts LLC about 5 years ago (2005) for the purpose of publishing my book, Moon Tides, Soul Passages, so I could do it my own way. It had been under contract, but the publisher wanted me to make changes that I wasn’t willing to make. I’m glad I did it myself—I think it’s my best work as a writer. But what my initial self-publishing venture has NOW become—that is well beyond anything I’d imagined at the time.

A little after my publication of “Moon Tides,” In 2006, I proposed to Astro Communications Services, Inc. in San Diego that it was time to publish a full 21st century ephemeris. ACS was declining seriously (and sadly) then, and just wasn’t updating anything as it should. Neil Michelsen would never have permitted that, and I felt a responsibility to properly preserve his legacy. ACS, Inc. declined, but gave me a letter of permission for Rique Pottenger to use Neil’s programming routines for that one book. The result was The New American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000-2100 at Midnight, Michelsen Memorial Edition.

In the fall of 2008, after ACS in San Diego closed, my husband, Jim Jossick, and I bought the assets at auction and moved what we could to Epping, New Hampshire. There we have reactivated the chart service, using its original name, Astro Computing Services (as a dba of Starcrafts LLC). Astro offers the full range of charts, interpreted reports and other products that it always did in the past. Most orders come through the website www.astrocom.com although we also get daily orders by phone or mail.

As for the publishing, my primary initial aim was to see that all other versions of the American Ephemeris series were made available again in new editions. I just this week sent The Uranian Transneptune Ephemeris to print, and with that, I am now glad to say that EVERY book in the series is now available in a new edition. We’ve also republished Neil’s Tables of Planetary Phenomena and The Michelsen Book of Tables.

As for instructional books, we’ve republished the March & McEvers 6-volume Only Way to Learn Astrology series and several other titles—a total of 25 books so far. This month we’re releasing our first entirely new title, Yankee Doodle Discord, by Thomas Canfield (who is my office manager). It may be the first book on the new planet Eris, and it’s a very interesting read, both for his theory on how to interpret Eris, and for the many historical charts and stories from USA history.

LF – I love your artwork, it is so beautiful. I find it to be deep with emotion. From an astrological standpoint, how do you tap into your own soul that allows you to express such creativity?

MS – Thank you! But you pose a question that is not easy to answer—just how I tap in. Astrologically I’m a mixture of practical and intuitive. My chart breaks down about evenly to earth & water, but is definitely fixed. Being stubborn helps on the practical side of getting things done. As for the intuitive, Sun in Scorpio, 12th house, Moon in Cancer on 8th cusp, Neptune less than 1° conjunct Midheaven. In one way or another, my art, as paintings or drawings (as opposed to commercial graphic design), has always been intuitive—semi or entirely abstract. I seldom plan any of that—it just happens. On some occasions I’ve stepped back and looked at what I’ve done and wondered, “where did that come from?”

My intuitive side has been enhanced though my interest in Goddess spirituality that led me some years ago (mid-80s) to Wiccan practice. So, ritual and meditation have been an active part of my life for quite a while. I am a Wiccan High Priestess and have led my own circle since 1991.

LF- You will be talking about Prenatal Eclipses at your lecture. Can you give us a little insight into what we can expect to learn? And why should someone attend your lecture?

MS – To answer your second question first: one might attend just because there isn’t much of anything written about this topic elsewhere, at least not that I know of. But, it is a concept that really seems to work. I extrapolated my theory about this topic for the one eclipse chapter within Moon Tides, Soul Passages from a very short comment made by Demetra George in her book, Finding Our Way Through the Dark. It was about Dane Rudhyar having said that in a solar eclipse, the present is blocked out by the past, while at a lunar eclipse, the past is obscured by the present.

When I then thought about that simple statement and meditated on the positions of each body during an eclipse, it occurred to me that, basically, the solar eclipse might relate to what a soul came into this life prepared to do well, while the lunar eclipse could indicate a significant lesson on what we had come into this life to learn.  I then looked up my own prenatal eclipses and found that the meaning, by sign symbolism was very “right on,” from my very first sentence as recorded by my mother in my baby book, through numerous life experiences since then. So, I then looked at prenatal eclipses in a lot of other charts (both personal and public figures), and found it quite easy to find more supportive examples to my basic theory. So, I decided to include this topic in “Moon Tides.” Ena Stanley apparently relates to it, too, since she specifically requested that I give a class on that specific chapter at this conference.

And about your second Question, what can we expect to learn in the class? You’ll get more background on the basic theory from my presentation of a Power Point that includes graphic illustrations, then two little mythological conversations among Sun, Moon and Earth that I invented to explain the theory more intuitively. We’ll go through the inherent capabilities and the lessons to learn through each eclipse by sign symbolism. Then hopefully participants will be willing to discuss their own positions and how they can (or cannot) relate them to my sign theory. Some may already know their prenatal eclipse signs—I hope they will bring that information. But if not, we should have time for me to bring up a few reports from the software that comes with my Moon Tides, Soul Passages book, so I can both demo the software and show where to find the prenatal eclipse information in the report.

LF – What do you enjoy most about being an astrologer?

MS – Having a tool to figure things out when I need or want to, as well as a colorful symbol set that has influenced my art, ritual…life. Also, besides making numerous friends, I’ve met several people who’ve become very important to me through my astrological activities.

LF – Do you have any final comments about lecturing at an online conference?

MS – It’s a great idea that brings together people from all over the world in an affordable way.  Many might not have been able to manage attending otherwise. So, it’s a blessing of new technology, and I’m very glad to have been asked to participate as a speaker.


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Breaking Down the Borders

The Saturn-Uranus Cycle and the Real Estate Market

Friday, November 19, 20106:30 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – How do you blend the discipline of Yoga with your practice of Astrology? (put your website link in here somewhere)

Julene Packer-Louis – In my astrological practice I combine the disciplines of Yoga and Astrology as a journey to awakening where we plug into, connect, give and receive the infinite potential the universe has to offer in the ever present eternal now. Astrology provides the road map to awakening and Yoga provides practice of awakening. Together these two disciplines help us find our unique way to connect to all that is and become the change we seek in the world as we unite our body, mind and spirit to bring ourselves into alignment with the rhythmic cycles of the cosmos and participate with joyful presence, compassion, love, and synchronous awareness in the life unfolding perfectly on time around us allowing us to be informed and attuned co-creators of our destiny.

LF – You have an IAA Diploma, a NCGR-III and an ISAR-CAP along with being a Reiki-II Practitioner, what drives you to gain professional certification as an astrologer and instructor?

JPL – That’s a good question. I guess I like taking tests.  🙂  Seriously it has to do with the standards of our profession and public awareness of professional astrology.  I felt it was very important for me as a serious professional astrologer to get some credentials behind my name to separate myself from the “psychics” who have neon signs flashing on their door doing tarot, astrology, selling remedies, and creating unhealthy codependent relationships.  I seek to empower my clients to tune into their innermost being and make their own decisions that are aligned with their Self. By having certification which includes ethical standards of practice, I hope to raise the public awareness of the difference between a Professional Astrologer and the fortune-telling stereotype that has been lurking in our collective psyche for centuries.  It is time to educate the public on real astrology practiced professionally.

LF – Why are you so passionate about astrology?

JPL – I am passionate about astrology because I’ve seen my life through astrological eyes, connected patterns and found profound understanding of my mind, my life themes, the ways and means to connect with my inner Self beyond the ego façade, experienced breakdown of old outworn paradigms, found new ways to manifest energy at a higher level to create new healthier paradigms in their place. To me astrology is a map of where you’ve been, where you are and where you are going and this map operates on the physical, emotional and spiritual plane. Together it tells your own hero’s journey to the evolution of your soul and reason for being at this time in this life. I’ve been so empowered personally from astrology that I am very passionate to give that back to the world.  Plus I feel most alive when I am teaching or consulting. It is what I was meant to do. As a child, before paradigms would shape what I “should” do with my life, I wanted to be a teacher or a nurse.  I feel that being an astrologer feeds both of those childhood longings, because deep astrological understanding is cathartic enough to be a transformational and healing experience.

LF – You are on the staff for IAA as well as being a speaker for the BDTB conference. Give us a little insight into your lecture for Friday, November, 19 @ 6:30 p.m. EST entitled “The Saturn-Uranus Cycle and the Real Estate Market”

JPL – I am full time Astrologer and part time Realtor. While sitting in a CEU class for Real Estate on the History of the Banking Industry, I noticed that the laws and changes in the industry were revolving around a cycle. I was anxious to get home and pull out my ephemeris, look up the dates and find the cycle that was operating. Sure enough it was the Saturn-Uranus cycle that causes reform to banks and markets including the real estate market.  Since so many people are in trouble with their real estate these days, I thought I’d share the bigger picture of how we have come to this place today by examining the cycle historically.  We’ll also look as to when we might be able to see the market turning around. Chart examples of countries will be used along with those of big banks and Fanne Mae.

LF – What else you like to say about IAA’s first ever online astrology conference from a staff and volunteer coordinator point of view?

JPL – I am very excited to be a part of this revolutionary venture where we truly are breaking down borders, making the conference accessible to the entire world without obtaining a passport, booking a flight and hotel accommodations, or finding someone to watch the children or pets.  It has been a joy and honor to help with this world class endeavor. We have an excellent line up of world renowned astrologers and excellent technology to bring an enjoyable experience to all. We also will have a room where everyone can hang out and mingle to capture the very important networking and social aspect of traditional astrology conferences.  I’m really looking forward to it.


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Breaking Down the Borders

Fortune and Spirit: The Principal Lots in Hellenistic Astrology

Sunday, November 21, 20109:30 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – You began studying astrology at the age of 12 after reading a magazine article. What was that article and how does a 12 year old go about studying astrology? Was this accepted by your family?

Doug Noblehorse – The article in question was a Reader’s Digest article about Jeane Dixon, the famous American psychic and astrologer. This was in the summer of 1967, a few years after the assassination of President Kennedy – an event which she predicted. The idea that you could see into the future fascinated my 12-year-old mind, so I set about finding any and all books about astrology that I could. Growing up in a geographically isolated city made my task difficult, but fortunately astrology was undergoing an explosive growth phase during the late Sixties and early Seventies, so astrology paperbacks were somewhat popular. I don’t really know what my parents and family thought about my astrological interests; there was never much said, either pro or con. Coming from a fundamentalist Christian household living in a pronounced science-oriented community it’s amazing I never encountered much opposition.

LF – How has Dane Rudhyar and Stephen Arroyo influenced your practice of astrology?

DN  – After I exhausted the drugstore paperbacks on astrology (i.e. Jess Stearns, Zolar, Sydney Omarr, etc.) I turned to the local library, which is where I first encountered Dane Rudhyar, The Astrology of Personality I believe. I searched out books by Stephen Arroyo, Michael Meyer and others from the humanistic/transpersonal school soon after. These author-astrologers taught me to see astrology – and individual horoscopes – as a process-oriented discipline. Planets are not isolated, non-interactive points in the chart, but rather each planet is intimately involved with and connected to each of the other planets, if not through actual aspect, then certainly through phase relationship. This holistic approach I believe is one of the keys to truly understanding the horoscope.

LF – Briefly describe Hellenistic Astrology and what it means to you.

DN – After many years of seeing astrology through modern eyes only, I began to chafe from the lack of application to everyday, practical matters. So I poked around Medieval and Jyotish applications of astrology, but nothing resonated with me the way Rudhyar’s and Arroyo’s work had done. That was at least until I met Robert Schmidt, who introduced me to Hellenistic astrology. As the original horoscopic astrology (that we currently know about) it serves as a fountainhead for astrology with much practical application – a worthy balance or bookend to modern astrological views. Much to my surprise, Hellenistic is not a dusty, deterministic, dried-out astrology; its metaphysical applications rival (and sometimes are the source of) modern ideas on esoteric astrology. My objective is to contribute to the integration of Hellenistic astrological methods with compatible modern concepts.

LF – Your lecture for the BDTB conference is Sunday, November 21st at 9:30 p.m. EDT called “Fortune and Spirit: The Principal Lots in Hellenistic Astrology”. Without giving too much away give us a hint as to why these Lots are so important to use in delineation.

DN – Why are the Lots of Fortune and Spirit so important? Simple. They are the Lots of the Moon and the Sun respectively – and even modern astrologers would agree with the ancient dictum “The Lights are the givers of One’s all.” Not only do the Sun and Moon provide personal information about a nativity, but their relationship to each other is key to understanding the deeper aspects of a nativity, loosely symbolized in the modern era as the concepts of anima and animus. Yet, when it comes to the Lots of Fortune and Spirit (as well as the other Hermetic Lots) this is only one aspect of the subject – I’ll explore a few others during my presentation.

LF – Do you have any closing remarks about why you wanted to be part of this groundbreaking online conference event?

DN – I firmly believe that this event heralds a new kind of conference which will become the model in the years to come, affording practical and holistic astrological education to a greater audience of astrologers and students. In turn, this should engender a greater flow and exchange of ideas, methods and experience within the astrological community. To be a part of this premier conference is an honor and a privilege. Thank you.

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Georgia Stathis

Georgia Stathis

Breaking Down the Borders

Solar Arcs

Friday, November 19, 201011:30 a.m. EST

Linda Furiate – You have a very impressive educational background, what first peaked your interested in astrology?

Georgia Stathis – I was interested when I was very young. Probably about 8 years old. My mom used to pay me a quarter to do housework and I’d go to the corner drug store, where they had the little Dell Books about the signs. They were 25 cents!  I didn’t know it was called astrology, but just knew they were about peoples’ birthdays. It wasn’t until I moved to California and worked in a major Public Relations firm in San Francisco when I was about 23 that I rekindled my interest. We had a woman who was a large red-headed woman – from Ireland with the Irish brogue and all – and she would pull out the Joan Quigley book on her breaks to read it. I recognized the symbols. I asked her what that was since it jogged my memory. She very generously offered me the book to take home and read for the three days she was our temp. I returned it. She was gone. And I started classes!

LF – How did you get interested in business and financial astrology?

GS – I was raised in a business family and I was in business in my twenties – from public relations to sales to real estate to advertising to graphic arts and I was fascinated by the markets and the timing of astrology – particularly regarding sales and marketing plans!

LF – Tell us more about Star Cycles.

GS – Starcycles is a company I began in the early 1980s. It started out as a little quarterly newsletter that I would send to my small client base at that time. I would give them a newsy bit of information and three months of ‘easy to read’ calendars for their business timing. It evolved into a website, products – digital recordings and the Astrology in English calendars , articles, podcasts, you name it. Great fun!

LF – What do you enjoy most about astrology?

GS – The variety and the constant amazing correlation between events of the day and the sky patterns. It never gets boring.

LF – Your lecture for the BDTB conference is Friday, November 19th at 11:30a.m. EST and you will be talking about Solar Arcs. Can you give us a brief preview?

GS – I love Solar Arcs. They are really great for analyzing outer life events. If you use them along with your other delineation techniques, transits, secondary progressions, eclipse hits, they finesse timing.  For those who don’t understand what a solar arc is, you take the distance the Sun travels from the moment of birth to any specific moment in time. The arc of distance that it travels is then added to each planet (even the retrogrades).  The result is that you have the same exact aspects in the natal chart, but you do watch to see the aspects the Solar Arc planet is forming with relationship to the natal planets.  They have to be very close, however, about six months ahead of the precise hit or an approximate 30′ distance. Watch for the history, its many uses, the age cycles and more of the Solar Arcs and how to use them on the November 19 workshop at 8:30 am Pacific Time.

LF – If people want to learn more about your work, how can they find you?

GS – Go to www.starcycles.com My book “Business Astrology 101” is listed there, along with the 2011 Digital Download of our annual calendar and much more. You can also go to www.Kepler.edu (Kepler College) where I teach a certification program in Business Astrology.

LF – Do you have any closing thoughts about participating in an online astrology conference?

GS – I think it will be exciting and fun. I have been teaching online for a couple of years now and the resulting files will include the audio as well as the visual files.


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Joni Patry

Interview with Joni Patry

Breaking Down the Borders

The Most Powerful Predictive System in Astrology

Sunday, November 21, 2010 – 1:00 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – How did you first get interested in Vedic Astrology? And do you practice Western Astrology at all?

Joni Patry – I have been practicing Astrology since the 1970’s where we had to calculate the charts ourselves, before computers. I always felt astrology was going to unlock some mystical magic that would give me the answers to life and humanity. In actuality it did! For when I could see specific things before they happened I felt the magic for this was a tool that operated without any real explanation of how this could be happening. That is magic to me! Or is it the power of a spiritual force that we could tap into with the science of astrology? To be able to make predictions before they happened gave me my proof of a spiritual force that works through all living things. Astrology gave me a sense of the power of something much bigger than me. My spiritual search led me to astrology, and eventually to Vedic astrology.

In the 1970’s I was drawn to a book called the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, which opened my mind to even more spiritual thought and philosophy. In this remarkable book It stated that Yogananda’s guru was a Astrologer in India and this astrology was different from the astrology I was taught. I didn’t know where to find information on this so I just set it aside but this astrology from India keep surfacing through many other sources. I was told these astrologers could tell you things no other astrologer could. This was of great interest to me for my goal was to be “the best astrologer I could be.” I studied many different forms of astrology, I even taught Uranian astrology for it has some very predictive elements to it and prediction was always my fascination. For prediction gives an element of a spiritual power working in the Universe.

I believe in both systems just Vedic become easier for giving my clients the information they wanted. The specific answers from the Vedic chart just came through. Many think I am a psychic but no I am actually just reading the chart. I can usually tell how many children they have, and how many siblings and where they are in the birth order. Details about the parents too. By the way we use the 9th house for the father instead of the 10th house.

LF – How would you describe the differences or similarities between Vedic and Western Astrology?

JP – Vedic astrology uses planets, signs, and houses just as Western astrology, but it uses the Sidereal calculation instead of the tropical calculations of western astrology. The Sidereal system takes into account the precession of the Equinoxes which means the starting reference point in the zodiac has shifted approximately 24 degrees backwards in the zodiac; therefore all the planets in a chart will shift backwards 24 degrees. This is in actuality the true placements of where the constellations or stars have shifted backwards to currently. Precession continues to move the constellations 1 degree every 72 years. The starting reference point of the tropical zodiac remains constantly at the 0 Aries point or the vernal point. Most of the planets usually remain in the same houses but the signs generally change. The aspects will remain the same. The main differences are the shift of the signs backwards and the other two very important differences are the nakshatras which are smaller portions of the zodiac that have vast and deep meanings like the signs but there are 27 of them instead of 12 signs. There meanings are based on the groupings of stars that constitute these portions of the zodiac. Each portion is 13 degrees and 20 minutes, and actually this is the amount of time the Moon will travel in one full day, so the nakshatras are also called the Lunar mansions and in India each month is named after the nakshatra the moon is full in. The last final difference that is so important to me is the predictive tool we have with Vedic astrology, this is called the dashas. The dashas are based on the nakshatras. The way they work is the nakshatra your natal moon falls in at birth will determine your entire life cycle. It is really amazing! You see each nakshatra is ruled by a planet (like the signs). Therefore if your Moon is in a nakshatra ruled by Saturn then you will begin life in a Saturn cycle. There is a pattern these cycle follow where ever your pattern starts will be determined by your natal moon. So I tell others Vedic astrology is a lunar based system and western astrology is a solar based system. There are other differences that are very intriguing to me such as the profound meanings of the houses that will give a reading amazing depth and accuracy I could never get with a western chart. For example, the 2nd house has all the same meanings as in western astrology such as money, values but the additional meanings we have with Vedic are very specific, since it rules the mouth area it rules our speech, voice and also what goes into our mouth, meaning what we eat. If there are malefic such as Mars or Saturn this could indicate someone who has foul language or a speech impediment, and it can mean someone who eats and drinks poorly such as alcohol or even drugs. One more very important difference the exaltations and debilitation of planets depict the power a planet has and believe me this is huge with Vedic for when a planet such as Jupiter is its sign of debilitation it will result in financial difficulties as it did in the year 2008-2009.

LF – Tell us more about your book “How to Make Money using Astrology” and where can someone purchase a copy?

Yes this is a book I wrote to help myself with my own money issues as well the money issues so prevalent in the world today. Money became sort of an enemy to me and represented suffering due to my upbringing. I was raised in an affluent family and observed how most everything was based on money. How people manipulated others through money. It has become a fascination to me which much of my clientele being the “Who’s Who of Billionaires” in Dallas, Texas. So instead of repelling it I decided to embrace it. In this book a time line from the 1900’s through 2050 is charted using Rahu and Ketu (North and South node of the Moon) The Nodes are looked at in a completely different way in Vedic and this really makes sense of everything in our life. These nodes plus Saturn and Jupiter are what determine the financial cycles in our world plus the signs they are in; being debilitated and exalted makes a huge difference. There are chapters on the charts of billionaires, lottery winners, and how to determine what teams will win in sporting events and how to apply these rules to your own chart. My first book is “Eastern Astrology for Western Minds” and it is a complete manual for a Western astrologer to learn Vedic astrology. To purchase any of my books log onto www.galacticcenter.org

LF – Your lecture for the BDTB conference is Sunday, November 21st at 1:00 p.m. EST and you will be talking about “The most powerful predictive system in Astrology” could you give us a little insight into what we can expect to learn?

JP – This will explain how these brilliant dashas work and how students can apply this technique. I am very user friendly explaining this all in western terminology. If you have any astrological program they all will figure out what dasha and sub dasha you are in. The way it works is that you can determine how the dasha or life cycle will turn out by simply observing how this particular planet is placed in your Vedic chart. You will look at what house it is in, what house it rules, and what aspects this planet is involved in and last but not least the sub cycle, its aspects and relations as to house it is in and rules and the relationship both rulers have to one another. If they are opposed then it will be about relationship issues. There will be vivid example to drive home my points. If for example your dasha ruling planet is in the 5th house then it may indicate a pregnancy but if it is Saturn and the subcycle is mars and it opposes the Saturn it can indicate a loss around children maybe because of a divorce.

LF – Do you have any final comments as to why someone should attend your lecture about Vedic Astrology?

JP – If you want to become more proficient in the art of prediction this is the class you will not want to miss. Also as a professional astrologer my clientele has multiplied incredibly; clients want future predictions. Of course no astrologer can be 100% accurate with any oracle due to the blessing of free will. Yes I do believe firmly in free will. So to know our chart and the predicted tendencies you can have the ability to navigate life to your highest good.


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Donna Van Toen Interview

Breaking Down the Borders Conference

Mediating the Nodal Dilemma

Friday, November 19, 2010

8:30 p.m. EST

Linda Furiate – Your background is rather eclectic and you are known for your humorous insight into astrology, what would you say your areas of specialty are?

Donna Van Toen – I AM a fairly eclectic astrologer and I would say that for the most part my specialty is trying to do what the Universe tells me to do. Beyond that, I have particular interest/expertise in relationships, vocational astrology, life path and evolution as shown by the progressed chart, and asteroids. On a whole other level, I have an interest in degree meanings and correlations between the various degrees of the zodiac and gemstones, essential oils, and vocational correlations — yes, Sabians, too, but what I do is more of an adjunct to the Sabians.

LFWhat is Vocational Astrology and what aspects of a person’s chart do you  look at to determine vocation?

DVT – Vocational astrology is concerned with vocation, which may or may not correlate with career. A loose definition of vocation might be that it’s something you love doing so much that you’d do it even if you weren’t paid for it. For example, I know a lot of astrologers, cooks, musicians, and other creative types who have other types of day jobs in order to meet the rent. Their vocation is music or astrology; their job might be something completely different. As far as what you look at, it goes far beyond houses 2, 6, and 10, and to tell you what to look at would probably take more space than you’ve got! Suffice to say that you look at the whole chart, including planets in Gauquelin sectors, trigger aspects (normally the tightest square or opposition in your chart) hemisphere emphasis, element and quality emphasis and lacks, in addition to the good ole’ houses 2, 6, and 10 and planets therein. You’re looking for both aptitude and potential for emotional fulfillment, which of course could include ability to earn a living.

LF – Your lecture for the BDTB is Friday, November 19 @ 8:30 p.m. EST and you will be discussing the Lunar Nodes. I like what you said about any planet trining or sextiling one leg of the Node, without giving too much away – how can this be beneficial?

T – The Nodes indicate a dilemma in life. They indicate inherent aptitudes or conditioning as well as potential aptitudes and potential for growth. Aspects to the Nodal axis can show you ways of making the most of existing potentials without becoming painted into a corner by your skills. The can also show you paths to self-development and growth that allow you to build on existing skills.

LF – How can we learn more about your work?

DVT – How can you learn more about my work? Ask me! I’m at www.donnavantoen.com though at the moment the site is badly in need of updating. I DO have plans to set up some on-line seminars in the New Year, but I am waiting to first see how this lecture goes. As Chris Turner will tell you, I am a Luddite and this on-line stuff does not come easily or naturally to me. So please folks, treat me gently at this lecture!!!

LF – Do you have any closing remarks about why someone should attend your lecture?
DVT – Why should people attend my lecture? Well, you would make me very, very happy…Beyond that, you’ll get some information from my revised Astrologer’s Node Book about a year before the revision is done. Thanks for listening. I’m looking forward to meeting you all at the conference!



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Breaking Down the Borders Conference

The Synodic Cycle of the Inner Planets

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11:00 a.m. EST

Linda Furiate – How did you first get interested in astrology and how would you describe yourself as an astrologer?

Gary P. Caton – I got into astrology after taking a break from academia in 1989 and exploring shamanism and the tarot for awhile. In April 1993, I had what Jungians call a “Great Dream.” In the Dream I saw the glyph for Venus in the Solar Disk and found out later that there actually was an interior conjunction of Venus with the Sun (Venus was passing between the Sun and Earth) in Aries at the time that I had the Dream. I was hooked instantly and imagine I always will be.

LF – What is your Goddess Astrology podcast?

GC – The Goddess Astrology podcast is basically an audio e-zine which you can download for Free via iTunes or on the Web. It is my offering to the collective as an attempt to honor the Sacred Feminine for granting me the Dream/Vision that She did. You can tune in to follow the cycles of Venus and occasionally the asteroid Goddesses. There are 70 archived episodes you can listen to anytime. Many fans will download to an iPod and then listen at work or in their car to feed their Spiritual self during a commute or while doing repetitive tasks.

LF – Can you also describe how your market yourself as an astrologer?

GC – I have learned that you have to put yourself out there as often and in as many ways as you possibly can. So I have a blog, a podcast, and now I’ve even started a vlog (video blog). I use Facebook and other social networking media to let people know about these free offerings and hopefully get them interested in my work. And then I do appearances in multiple-city lecture tours every year for live, in-person interactions.

LF – Your lecture for the Breaking Down the Borders conference is Sunday, November 21st at 11:00 a.m. EST and is entitled ‘The Synodic Cycles of the Inner Planets’, give us a description as to what that means.

GC – All planets have sidereal cycles, which track their motion through the Zodiac, as well as synodic cycles, which track their relationship to the Sun. Synodic cycles are the basic astronomy part of astrology. In addition to the basic Sign/Aspects info gained from the sidereal cycle, a working knowledge of synodic cycles can add the factors of planetary phase, speed and brightness into our delineations. This makes for more subtle, nuanced and complex interpretations which more closely fit the reality of the complex lives that people have increasingly come to lead.

LF – If someone wants to learn more about you and your work where can they find you?

GC – My website is www.DreamAstrologer.com and my identifier is DreamAstrologer on Facebook and Youtube.

LF – What fascinates you most about participating in the International Academy of Astrology’s first ever online conference?

GC – The possibility of truly breaking down borders and connecting with people all across the World.

LF – Is there anything else you would like to share regarding your work as an astrologer or the conference?

GC -I am honored to be a part of this groundbreaking endeavor and I hope that there are more to come!



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